The Cooper School Daily

This Week in Second Grade

Practicing our Three Digit Addition

In math this week students worked on three digit addition and subtraction. Students were given either a two or three-digit number and they walked around the classroom to find a partner to work with. With their partner, they had to solve the addition equation between their two numbers. This is a great way for students to practice their addition and subtraction facts with a lot of different numbers!

Illustrating a Poem

Second grade poets have been looking at poetry with a close eye. Students have been reading many different types of poetry. This week students read two poems, then they were asked to imagine a picture in their mind. Afterwards, they illustrated two poems based on how they felt after reading the poem. Using their imagination and creativity they created a drawing relating to the poem of their choice. The goal is for students to picture what the poet is trying to explain in their mind.

Making Glue

Second grade scientists are on their way to creating their own glue. This week we began experimenting with different ingredients. Using cooking ingredients, students created mixtures using water. Students used their senses to make observations about the ingredients dry and then when water was added to each of them. To our surprise, some of these mixtures started looking like glue. We then conducted a sticky experiment to see if any of these ingredients will be sticky enough for our clue mixture.

Important Dates:

March 25th- April 1st: Spring Break